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India top court refers same-sex marriage pleas to larger bench

India's top court on Monday referred petitions seeking legal recognition of same-sex marriages to a  ...View More

A revolutionary platform for hardware testing?

If ANYONE would be able to create a good testbench, it would be competitive overclockers. So, HWBot  ...View More

No Founder's Editions... What now? - Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 1060 (6GB) Review

GTX 1060 review. With more benchmarks, because WE HEARD YOU, OK? :) TunnelBear message: TunnelBear i ...View More

Nvidia GTX 1060 Review - RX 480 Killer?

Thanks to Braintree for supporting our channel. To learn more, and for your first $50000 in transact ...View More

GTX 1080 Overclocking

How far can you push the Founder's Edition of the new flagship from Nvidia? TunnelBear message: Tunn ...View More

ShweTube, Collection of Myanmar Youtube Videos